It's a parents job and fair right to brag about their child, correct?
If not, too bad. I love him.
I think he's a genius. At least at some things. Everywhere we go, people are always amazed at how smart and advanced he is. One lady said to him as we left the grocery store, "See you on TV next time!"
I wouldn't know any different unless I compared him to other kids his age. And some kids I've met can count to maybe 10. Some don't even know the ABC song at all. One could only put 2 to 3 words together in a sentence.
We read books to him and help him along, but as one lady said to me, "You must work with him all the time!" Not really. He just sort of picks things up on his own.
Now, I am not in any way saying he is better than any other child, or we should become "cocky" about him at all. I merely think he is going to be smarter than me any day now, and it frightens me! Also, so I can have some sort of record to remember this time.... at 27 monts old.
Here's kindof a rundown of what he can do. (probably more than I even know too.)
*Sings the ABC song many times a day.
*Knows all the letters in order, or out of order.
*Recognizes any number or letter upside down, sideways, or even backwards (when they are on the other side of a window for example.)
*Knows all the sounds the letters make.
*Knows what letter everyone's name starts with (people he knows)
*Puts letters together to make 3 letter words.
*Recognizes many words, and says them. "stop" "big" "Dad" etc.
*Counts to 100 in order, and can keep going if he feels like it. (mostly when he is on the swing at the park!)
*Recognizes every number no matter where it is. (grocery store line, jerseys, license plates.)
*Puts two numbers together and switches them. ("this is 46... and 64!")
*Flips them upside 6 is a 9, and also W is an M.
*Knows all colors
*Knows all shapes (except the weird ones that we havent told him. Trapazoid...)
*Knows animals
*Any CD I put on, he knows what songs goes with what number. Creepy.
("Mommy! Number 9! Ants Go Marching! Number 10! Muffin Man!")
He knows which song is coming next, sings along with the song, tells me when to skip certain songs. He can do this with at least 10 CD's. I can't even do that.
*Puts many words together.
*His mind is so creative. He sees objects in other things. Like a chunk of mishapen plastic is a Kitty, and a tree branch is a number.
***my brain hurts. Im sure there are other things that shock me every day. But that is enough to think about for now. Question: What am I supposed to do when he has a plan to take over the world with Numbers and Letters!?
Just joking of course. Little smartie pants. I just adore him.